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We at the Auktionshuset i Solna has the intention to make it as easy and worry-free as possible to sell. Our business philosophy is that it is we are going to sell - not you. Through our extensive international client base reflects the current market and objects may thus its value.
Selling through us means more money in hand to you when our sales conditions are most favorable in Stockholm. Please look after themselves!

Auktionshuset i Solna hand to greet you every weekday 10-17. If you are unable to these times, please feel free to contact us.


To sell at auction - How does it work?

The first step is to contact us: by phone, email or in person. Everything can not sell by auction, and together we go through what you want to get rid of. This is done by you to include pictures of the objects, send in by mail, describing the phone or take the items directly to the courtroom.
In the case of a large household goods, such as settlement of an estate, we send out an appraiser to place. We offer complete solution to transportation, moving and cleaning if required. Click here for more information regarding the estate.

We then write a sales report which you will receive a copy of. If for any reason the goods are not valued in place, you will be contacted by us before auction day.
The items tidied up and then photographed to appear immediately in our web catalog for open bidding.

Once your items have been sold and we got paid by the buyer paid the money into your bank account within 14 days. When payment is sent a final statement to your home with a complete specification for the sale.




The sale starts a säljarprovision about 15%, and impact fee of 45 SEK (including VAT). No återropsavgifter, photography fees or similar will be added. We only get paid if we manage to sell your items!


Tack vare internet och dess bredd kan vi erbjuda budgivning på många olika sätt.

  • Innan du besöker oss med föremål kan det vara en god idé att ta reda på om vi tar emot och har plats för dina varor.
    Det enklaste sättet är att skicka digitala bilder till vår e-post på det du vill sälja. Därefter får du ett snabbt svar på om vi tar det eller inte.

  • Har du ingen möjlighet att frakta gods till oss kan vi hjälpa till med transport.
    Vi erbjuder alltid kostnadseffektiva transporter både till och från Auktionshuset i Solna.

  • Tänk på att det totala värdet av ditt gods ej får understiga 500 SEK.
    (Gäller det inlämning av konst så måste det enkilda verkets utropspris överstiga 500 SEK)
  • Auktionshuset i Solna köper även varor kontant. Vill du sälja och få pengar i hand? Kontakta oss.